
Sector Sector:


Headquarters Headquarters:


Investment Year of investment:


Activity Activity:

Transfer and delivery of vehicles

Transaction Transaction Type:

Bilateral loan

Turnover Investment:


CarSet emerges as a new concept within logistics, offering personalized transportation solutions for vehicles.

CarSet is the leading company in personalized vehicle transfers and deliveries in Spain. It provides integrated logistics, which, in addition to the core transportation activity, offers complementary services for an effective outsourcing of fleet mobility, such as custody of vehicles, paperwork management, washing service or personalized deliveries with technical assistance, among others.

The business strategy of Carset is to provide customers with simplicity, information, and guarantees of delivery. Carset adapts its offering to customers’ specific needs, not being limited to predefined routes, or fleet and logistic structures.

The company was created by a group of professionals of the logistics and fleet management sectors. Talde’s facility will finance the shareholding reorganization of CarSet, which is strategically positioned to continue offering its services within the automotive logistics market.


Shareholding reorganization

Main drivers

The only automotive logistics company with a technology platform capable of offering global solutions to different transportation needs.

Strategic alliances with more than 300 suppliers, covering all types of tow trucks with an extended geographical coverage.

Strong commitments to delivery times. Possibility of urgent or predefined transfers. Complete and unit loads, taking advantage of groupage in last mile solutions.


Customized transport solution

in a market with high growth expectations

Main figures

Technology platform

The tool integrates all parties involved

Sustained growth

Leader of the new distribution channel for online sales and home delivery

Value added

Delivery confirmation and data/document management in real time

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